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Malden Lunatic Asylum

Established in 1859, the Malden Lunatic Asylum treated approximately 200 patients with 35 employees, all located in the current Fort Malden.
“It was not until the province of Canada West acquired the fort grounds, and opened the Malden Lunatic Asylum in 1859, that new construction began. Existing structures were renovated to house the patients and staff. New facilities were added, including a two-storey brick laundry.”
Dr. Andrew Fisher
B. 1832 D. 1898
Dr. Fisher became the superintendent of the Asylum and afterward opened his own practice in Amherstburg. He kept his office on Dalhousie Street above one of the W.T. Wilkinson homes.
Dr. Henry Landor
D. 1877
Medical superintendent of the Malden Lunatic Asylum and was moved to the new London Asylum after it was built.
We would like to thank Canada Summer Jobs for making the creation of this exhibit possible. We would also like to thank our donors (past, present and future) for entrusting our museum with the preservation of your donated objects. Finally, thank you to our summer students, Emily and Mikayla, for their work creating the content of this exhibit.